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Art School Brats

Art School Brats


Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! 
God Save The Queen!
Wait a second God,
EAT the queen! 
Yes, for heaven’s sake God, get a clue!
She doesn’t need saving. 
She’s perfectly capable of saving herself. 
What she needs is some good old fashion pussy licking, if you will. 
Some unbridled love and appreciation, you see. 
So get to it, GOD!

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Of creatures in costume
Evening gowns made of eyeballs.
Masquerade balls,
Fashion shows,
Movie theaters,
And reunions 
When the world is healthy again.

The band was all about pizza parties and after school specials, 
Bopping all night till the sun came up, 
Expensive party favors, vintage turtlenecks, 
And maybe rehearsals 
When the mood was right.

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She’s a disco queen from outer space,
A funkadelic M.C here to elevate
Your every extra terrestrial party need